Hello Moms!
The FreelanceMom Network is up and running! If you're a Mom Blogger come on over and join the blogroll. The Network is another way that FreelanceMom is helping you to promote your business and network with other entrepreneurs. I'm having a lot of fun with it and look forward to your participation!
As a Work at Home Mom community we have a wonderful opportunity to network. Moms love to help eachother out and there are so many ways that we can do that:
- Purchasing eachothers products and services
- Linking to eachothers websites
- Joining eachothers downlines
- Word of mouth reccomendations to our families and friends
- Cross Promoting
- Joint Ventures
Other ways for you to network and promote at FreelanceMom are to join the Forum, submit your Success Story for our WAHM Success Stories page, or suggest your website to be featured on the Tea Time Page.
We're also always looking for ways to help you promote your business and improve your search engine rankings. We have lists of directories you can submit your website to and lists of article directories you can submit your articles to. We include these and also provide a Link Exchange area over in the Website Promotion Forum.
Join us and give us your thoughts and ideas on how we can all succeed with our business goals!

P.S. One of our very first forum members, Debbi, has recently started a site about website promotion. Check it out!
