Hello Moms!
Here is a business idea that anyone can (and should) do. Blog! You're probably familiar with the world of blogging (web logging) by now - at the very least you've run across them.
Blogs are simple to do, low cost to maintain, fun, and a highly effective way to network.
You don't need to know how you design or upkeep websites either. My favorite blogging tool is wordpress. They have an online version with some great templates available at no cost.
For an example of a blog come on over to mine :-)
Some ways to monetize blogs are to join affiliate programs or sign up for a google adsense account to have ads on your blog.
It's also a super way to network your business. If you are involved with a Business Opportunity like Tupperware, Avon or Melalueca -- consider starting a blog that talks about the ins and outs of your business and your experiences on your road to success.
Find other blogs that relate to yours or that target your market and link to them or comment on some things the authors have written.
Soon you will find that you have a growing network of readers. The more you keep your blog current and network on other blogs, the more successful your blog will be.
It's really time to join the fun if you haven't already! I encourage you to give it a try. Even if you already have a website, blogging will be an excellent addition to your web profile and a good way to promote your site.
Do you already blog? Come and share your link over at the forum! If you aren't blogging yet but are interested in starting, don't be shy to come and ask some questions.
