It's important to make effort in promoting your business on an ongoing basis. Even when you don't have large budget for advertising, there are still many ways that you can promote your business. In this article Denise McGill gives some examples of ways to promote your business without breaking the bank. |
Low Cost Promotion Tips to Jump Start your Business
By Denise McGill
OK…so you’ve taken that first step and decided on a lucrative home business that fulfills a passion, fits your lifestyle and schedule. But now what do you do? How do you promote yourself and get your business off the ground? Whether leaving the corporate 40 hr week (which often times turns into a 50-60 hr week), or are looking to earn extra money from home, a home business offers rewards as well as challenges – namely making yourself known to potential clients and customers.
There are some free and low cost promotion tips everyone can take advantage of to jump start a new home business – and it must be treated as a business. You will be handling the marketing, bookkeeping and administrative duties to name a few. With these 8 tips, you not only appear professional and make a good first impression, but promote your business as well.
- Website - If you don’t already have one, I recommend it to advertise your business – and it doesn’t have to break the bank. For instance, Yahoo Small Business Solutions offers an economical solution. Websites start from as little as $11.95 a month and eliminate the hassle of being html savvy. Choose a domain name, website design and layout in one-stop shopping.
- Email– make it professional! No one likes to receive an email with missing contact information, misspelled words or a confusing message. Treat it with the same respect as a business letter and always have a signature after the body of your email. At the minimum, it should include your name, business name, phone # and web URL. First impressions can make or break a sale!
- Testimonials– another great, free advertorial for your business. If a client or customer has kind words for your service, ask them if you can use it for your website or promotional materials. Most are more than happy to accommodate you.
- Forums-informative, interactive networking. Feel free to ask questions, share tips, share expertise or network with members. Simply search the internet for forums matching your industry niche. Most forums let you list your bio with URL address to link back to your website.
- Business cards– pass them out to everyone. Many websites offer low cost, professional looking cards with several templates to choose from.
- Local Chamber of Commerce – join it! Ask to be listed in the member’s directory - a great opportunity for local advertising. Chamber of Commerce sites have thousands if not millions of visitors a year from around the world.
- Space ad– be seen in industry trade journals. A small space ad in an industry trade journal is a great way to announce your new business or service and make your presence known among your peers.
These low cost tips are a great way to start you on your way to a successful home business. Whether advertising in industry trade journals, creating content for your website or exchanging valuable tips within an interactive forum, you build credibility as well as a strong client/customer base.
Can't seem to find the right words to sell your product? Denise McGill is a freelance copywriter specializing in catalog product description, copy makeovers, landing pages, promotional materials, sales letters, articles, press releases and more. Visit her website at for more information on giving your business the competitive edge.
Denise McGill
PO Box 352
Naples, ID 83847
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