Hello Moms!
Hope you all are in good health. My immediate and extended family have had some problems lately. Knowing how precious and fragile our lives are reinforces my gratitude to be able to work from home.
FreelanceMom tries to cater the information we have to women just starting out and women who have already established a home business. If you feel like we are missing some information that would be helpful to you, please reply to this email. I want to make sure we are meeting your needs.
If you are just starting a home business and have questions or need some inspiration, come on over and post at the forum. We'd love to help.
I don't mind bragging that I'm writing to you from my screaming new Windows Vista equipped HP! Sorry to disappoint you Mac fans out there... but there you have it.
Working from home doesn't mean we don't have business expenses! Make sure to set aside some of your profits to re-invest into your business.
As a Virtual Assistant, I can't do without the latest technologies, software upgrades, etc. It's just critical to be on the leading edge in my field. I feel the more seriously we take our business, the more confident and trustworthy we will come across to our clients and potential clients.
For example, if you are a VA and don't use a timer, how can you accurately record your time? I'm willing to bet that if you don't use a timer, you likely under charge your clients. If you're like me, you will always estimate low. Don't estimate, be exact. Your time is valuable. The way I figure it -- every moment I am working is time away from my children. One good and inexpensive little timer is Project Timer Lite.
That's it for chit chat... I've got some good stuff for you this month. So let's get to it...

Work From Home: - Customer Service Coordinator
We have created a new position for an Ecommerce Customer Service Rep. In this position, you will respond to customer requests using email as your main source of communications and answer chat inquiries. You must be a whiz at email, have excellent written communication skills and type at least 45 wpm. You will check order status, answer questions about baby products, perform data entry and help customers with order problems and damages following company procedure. Additionally, you will work with MS Word and Excel for order and online customer management.
Customer Service Supervisor for Virtual Call Center
This is a customer service supervisor role. You will work from home, managing a virtual call center. We are looking for an ambitious and self-confident person who will share our vision and passion. If you are looking to take the next step in your career by managing a tight-knit customer service team, we want to hear from you.
Copy Editor/Proofreader
We are seeking a talented copy editor/proofreader to work closely with the chief editor in the production of research reports. The right individual will have solid experience editing and proofing business materials, as well as the skills to rewrite copy when necessary. Also, the best candidate will have the willingness to learn new skills and hone editorial abilities, in addition to taking on some project management responsibility.
Be sure to visit our Gigs Page for more Work From Home Jobs and the Freelance Job Leads Forum. |
 Simple Tips for Getting Search Engine Traffic to your Website
Many home business opportunity sites miss the search engine marketing boat completely. If you advertise, you know how valuable traffic is to your site. Imagine getting much more traffic then you've ever seen to your website... for free!
Getting Out of Debt
Getting into debt is just too easy and this could not be more evident then it is right now considering the debt we are in. I read in a financial article that the average American has $8,000 worth of credit card debt. The Art of Multi-tasking, HBWM Style
Working from home has some terrific benefits, but, unfortunately, some downsides as well. One disadvantage is that mom is still in the house and when the kids really need something they will track you down, sometimes at the most inopportune times. What to do? Hang up on the client? No. Push the kids out of the room and lock the door? Probably not. After all, the reason we are a WAHM is because we wanted it all, motherhood and our career all happening at the same time in the same place. There are solutions. |
Do you Love Tupperware? Did you know that you can work at home Selling Tupperware Online? NO home parties are required!
You make a baseline commission of 25% not including commission bonuses or performance awards. You get 35% off all NEW demo products that are introduced and a 25% off discount on your personal purchases! If you decide to build a team, you’ll also earn income from your team sales. Our forum moderator, Audrey is an independent Tupperware distributor and she can help you get started.
Contact her here:
[email protected]
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Residual Income Opportunity, WOW!
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