Hello Moms!
Now that we're back into the school (or homeschool) groove, it's time to look at our next business goals and decide what outcomes we'd like to achieve in the upcoming months. Goal setting is an intregal piece of success. If you're like me, you aren't ever really satisfied - there are always parts of your life and business that you'd like to take to improve.
One of the challenges with owning our own businesses is that we don't have a boss to answer to with our goals and objectives. It's easy to get caught up in the day to day hum drum of running our business and we can lose the juice we once had for growing our business.
I've created a forum, the FreelanceMom Goal Buddy Network. It's our own special spot for goal setting, encouraging each other and following through with our goals and objectives. Having a buddy that you check in with on a daily or weekly basis can really help motivate you to follow through with the goals you set for yourself.
If you're serious about taking your business to the next level - join us!
Even if you are just starting out on the path of your home business, please feel welcome to join in the discussion. The FreelanceMom community is warm, supportive and smart! You'll be in good company and have the opportunity to network and brainstorm with some very savvy women.

P.S. FreelanceMom was mentioned on CNN Money today! Gerri Willis did a short piece on at home businesses. FreelanceMom was recommended as a resource for people who are testing the waters of working from home. I'm thrilled!