Hello Moms!
Isn't Spring terrific? Something about it is so inspiring for business too. I'm excited to network and promote more and to finish some websites that I have been neglecting.
I have found that one of the keys to a successful home business is creating multiple streams of income. Being internet based, this is easier then you might think.
A content rich site is a terrific way for you to earn money online. You write about what you love, you attract people interested in what you are writing about, and eventually you can earn money offering advertising space that has a stable targeted audience.
There are other ways besides selling banner or text ads that your website can bring in some income, and this is what I mean by multiple income streams. You probably have noticed Google ads on websites that you frequent. These ads are known as Google Adsense and it is an innovative technology that delivers ads to your website that match your content. This means the ads are likely something your visitors are interested in. When your visitors click the ad, you earn money.
There are also affiliate programs that you can join. Thousands of them! An affiliate program is one of the simplest ways to earn money from home with virtually no overhead. You get customized links embedded with your affiliate idea and you place banners or text ads on your website using these links. When a visitor on your website clicks the ad and makes a purchase, you earn a percentage of the sale.
As you develop your website and learn to drive traffic to your site, this income will continue to grow. My best advice to you is to reflect on what topic you feel like you understand well, and choose that as the theme of your website. You need to love the content you are working with because your visitors will respond to your enthusiasm. Don't just copy what you see other people doing. It will inevitably fail. An original website that you put your heart and soul into has enormous potential.
If you don't have one yet, I strongly encourage you to build your own website. Even if you don't feel that you want to develop a content rich site, it is still as crucial to your home business as a business card.

P. S. Don't forget to visit our Freelance Jobs page for current work at home positions. If you are looking for home business ideas, visit our home business opportunities section.
Work at Home Mom's work long hours. The blessing is that we genuinely love and appreciate our work. The drawback is that taking time away from the children is inevitable.
I have found that days when I take frequent short breaks, actually are the days when I accomplish more. The children seem more content to have me come out of the office more often and cranky episodes are avoided.
I have also found that it works really well to bring art projects into the office that they can work on. It invites them to think of the office as a place where they are welcome to come and be creative with a quiet project. This seems to help them not resent the office as much but still keeps it as a spot for quiet work.
I have become more and more concerned about letting the kids watch television during the day, and am strongly considering removing it completely from our living space. It is a strong temptation to let the t. v. keep the kids occupied, but it isn't healthy for them.
I recently read a terrific book by Rebecca Hagelin called, "Home Invasion - Protecting Your Family In a Culture That's Gone Stark Raving Mad". It genuinely inspired me to re-think the structure of my children's day, to make certain that I know what programs they are watching and that I am providing them with quality attention and good alternative activities that they can do during the day. |

Managing the Time You Haven't Got
By C.J. Hayden, MCC
Do the words "time management" rub you the wrong way? For many busy professionals, the real problem seems to be that there isn't any time left to manage. You can sometimes get better at managing your time by prioritizing all your tasks and scheduling carefully. But when you're already using all the time you have efficiently and there's still not enough, there are four strategies you can try.
Make more time. The fastest way to make time can be to buy it. You may think you don't have enough money to pay for help, but think about what your time is worth. If your salary is equivalent to earning $25 an hour, and you pay someone else $12 an hour to run errands for you, that's a bargain. And what value would you set on being able to spend an extra hour having fun with your partner or kids?
You can buy time by paying to have your house cleaned, your car taken for servicing, or your laundry done. Pay a professional to prepare your taxes; have your groceries delivered; make routine purchases by phone or Internet.
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8 ways to build a really bad web site for Search Engines
By Gareth Davies
Some web sites receive hundreds or thousands of unique visitors a day, whilst others only get a handful or none. The reason is often because the web designers or Webmaster has built the site in one ‘really bad way’ or other. This can end up hindering the potential success of the web site. If you want to make sure your site is not a ‘traffic flop’ then here are some simple rules to follow.
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