Hello Moms!
Here are some quick SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tips for you to utilize to help drive traffic to your website.
Submit your website to directories. It's not really necessary to submit your website to search engines (although it also doesn't hurt!), they will generally find you. However a really smart thing to do is to take the time to submit your website to directories. Directory links are valuable because they don't require a link back to you. I have a pretty good list available to you in the SEO forum.
Submit articles to other websites. Submitting articles is just a fabulous way to promote your website. You submit the article and instead of payment, you will be allowed a short bio with a link to your website. These are one way incoming links and are terrific for your SEO. Not to mention, you might generate some interest in your website through the article itself. In December I posted a link to a list of websites that accept article submissions, you can view it here.
Post in forums. When you post in forums, be sure to use your link in your signature. Try to really participate in the forum, asking questions and giving your advice and thoughts. Don't just spam the forum. You will be surprised how many contacts and leads you get from forums, simply by being yourself! It's also a terrific way to stay on top of what's new in the world of Internet Marketing! It's a special feeling to belong to a community of professionals - join the FreelanceMom forum for starters :)
When building your links, allow it to happen organically. Don't build too many up all at once, but do get new links slowly and consistently.
The best links to get are unsolicited links from people who link to you simply because they consider your website valuable. So although link building is critical to the SEO process, content building is even more critical. Take a good honest look at your website and decide how you can make it a more valuable resource to your visitors. Content is King, as they say!

P.S. I wanted to let you know of a special opportunity for you moms who homeschool your children. My friend Jessica Harvey, who works at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine let me know about a special deal for all new 2-year subscribers. With your subscription you will get approximately $300 in FREE homeschool materials – 19 complete gifts - and FREE shipping. Just visit http://www.thehomeschoolmagazine.com/subscribe/promo_
subscribe.php or call TOS at 530-823-0447. The Old Schooolhouse is the magazine for homeschoolers. With the incredible bonus they are offereing this a deal too good to pass up. Please call today as gift inventory is limited to the first 5000 new subscribers.

Some tools that I find indispensible for SEO
If you use the FireFox web browser, you will love this SEO extension.
The Google Toolbar - shows you Google's Page Rank (PR) for any page you are on. This is handy especially when you are considering reciprocal links. The higher the PR of the page your link will be placed on, the better. It also shows every site that links to the page you are on.
The Alexa Toolbar - I've long endorsed this toolbar as being one of the best ways to get an idea of how much traffic a website really gets.
WebCeo - This SEO tool rocks. You can look up keywords to find out how many people search on them daily and how much competition they have. You can also analyze your competition, check your rankings for specific keywords and so much more!

Want to Know the Truth About Typing Sites?
By Doralynn Kennedy
Ads for typing sites sound great. To many, they sound like the answer to their dream to work at home. But typing sites that require registration fees are questionable at best.
Almost all the work consists of advertising for the site in one form or another. The site may want you to place small, pre-written ads at classified sites or ezines. It may want you to send out safelist e-mails or surf at traffic exchanges. (Not sure how this relates to typing, except that you do have to type your name and password to log in). Not only is this work very time consuming, typing sites also require elaborate reports on where you placed your ads. The reports usually require even more time than the actual ad placing. By the time you complete the work, (if you are able to....most people give up in frustration), you have literally earned pennies per hour.
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6 Frightening Pitfalls of Ready-Made Websites
By Jan Peterson
A question I am asked everyday is "Do I need to have my own website built or can I use a pre-made one ? " Good question. Most people who ask this question are looking at shopping malls, affiliate programs, network marketing, or business opportunities to make money whereby the company gives them a website already built with the bells and whistles. My experience has taught me that having your own website built is the right way to go. I know, it costs a little more money but it is well worth it. Let me explain why.
Let's say you have joined a network marketing company and as a part of signing up you get this gorgeous website that supposedly does all of the selling for you. On the surface it seems this is going to be the gateway to your fortune on the internet. But most of the time, ready-made websites are just that: one big canned ad. They can provide some information to the prospective person looking at your company but they have far too many limitations.
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5 Proven Techniques to Build a Profitable Web Forum
By Yaro Starak
You may have heard that having a web community is a great way to increase sales, customer loyalty and word of mouth for your web business. In fact a web community itself, if large enough and targeting an affluent demographic (or one that advertisers like to target), has the potential to bring in revenue. Commonly people use a web forum as the centre point for a web community. However building a popular forum is no easy task and requires patience and dedication.
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