Business Case-Study – Wish I knew this earlier…

“Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail”

Have you ever met someone that seemed to have so many business goals, but never really got started or got stuck in the beginning which halted them from moving forward?

I know I have, including myself.


I took one crucial step.

The issue that many business owners (like you and me) run into is they work on their business without a solid business plan and foundation in place, and it can become a costly headache later on.

When I first started my business, I went straight into tactical mode (big mistake!) for the first six months.  I didn’t even think about whom my audience or clients were, how I would find them, how I could best serve them and how I was going to make money.

So, imagine all the time and money I wasted!  (Around six months and $3,000 of wasted expenses and not to mention the money I will have to spend to change the areas I want to change).

I have found that without a solid plan, your business will have challenges thriving in the long-term, so….

Why not get that part taken care of today so you can concentrate on building your business and having more time to spend with your family and other interests.

You ready?

Challenge this week – Complete your ‘mini-business plan.’ (This will be time well spent!)

Why This is the Only Business Plan You Need

It is a quick way to determine:

  • who you are targeting
  • how you will find who your targeting
  • what you are selling
  • how you will make money
  • why your “stuff” even matters

If you don’t know this yourself, you will never be able to explain it to your customer!

FreelanceMom’s Mini Business Plan Worksheet (for you to complete)

Heather’s Unedited Mini Business Plan (for you to use as a real-life example and see how Heather’s business might evolve)

What’s Next?

Next, we will work on Part II of Setting Your Business Foundation which is all about identifying your ‘point(s) of difference’ and what makes you truly unique. (You won’t want to miss this).

Keep moving forward and let me know how I can help!

P.S. Even if you have gone through this process for your business already, it is always good to revisit, so you make sure you are in alignment with your vision and goals.

BTW, Send me your business plan and I will be happy to review it.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lisa Stein owns, is a college business professor and a mom to Gabriela and Elle. Lisa is dedicated to playing a part in helping women and moms run a business they love, help support themselves and their family and create a flexible lifestyle. You can find her online on Facebook and Twitter or at home burning something in the kitchen.