Business Opportunities - Shaklee
What is Shaklee?
Shaklee was founded in 1956 and has been a leading provider of natural, enviornmentally friendly nutritional, personal care and household products. Shaklee's branding is trusted and associated with high quality.
Shaklee has over 45 patents and patents-pending, operates internationally and has over 700,000 members.
What is the Business Opportunity?
Shaklee offers an Independent Distributor opportunity for direct sales of their nutritional supplements and other health and wellness, personal care and household products. Shaklee Distributors have the option of selling products via their company website, in person or as a retailer.
There are three ways to join Shaklee ranging from $19.95 as a new member to $299 as a GOLD Ambassador.
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Information is accurate and up-to-date to our knowledge. If you find discrepencies please email us.