When you work for yourself, it is easy to overlook the significance of taking the time to review your performance. Many of those who work for themselves measure success by profitability, how much free time they have, or how well… [Read More]
Who Needs an Accountability Partner? Maybe YOU Do!
When you work from the comfort of your own home, you don’t have anyone to answer to but yourself. This is usually why the dream of working from home is such an enticing one. No boss equals big sigh of… [Read More]
How Do You Start Your Day? Try This Gratitude Habit
“Reflect Each Day On All You Have To Be Grateful For And You Will Receive More To Be Grateful For.” -Chuck Danes How do you start your day? Do you always wake-up with a positive outlook? Are you always… [Read More]
Does Money or Time Make You Happy? A Stanford Study Tackles This Question
As a work at home mom, you are always on the go. In addition to earning money for your family, you have to tend to each and every need of your children. While there is nothing wrong with striving to… [Read More]
Help! My Business Is Thriving, but My Marriage Is Suffering!
“Raising our kids and being an entrepreneur wasn’t easy. Being in a startup and having a successful relationship and family was very hard work. But entrepreneurs can be great spouses and parents.” Steve Blank – serial entrepreneur, educator and founder… [Read More]
What You Can Do Today to Improve Your Credit Score (and Finances) Tomorrow
Does bad credit make life more difficult and expensive? Absolutely. Is it forever? Absolutely not. Regardless of your income and expenses, you can take steps today that will make your score a little higher tomorrow and a lot higher… [Read More]
Have a fabulous weekend!
I’m off to enjoy the next couple of days. Unplugged. But before I go, let me share this truly inspiring (deserves to go viral) video with you. Hopefully you’ll be left with the same warm and energized feeling that I… [Read More]