In addition to her wildly successful career as a freelance writer for publications like Entrepreneur and Forbes, Carol Tice has created an enviable income for herself telling other writers exactly how to follow in her footsteps. As she’s talked to… [Read More]
A Step-by-Step Guide for Walking Away from Conferences with New Leads and Partnerships
There’s a reason most companies have “business development” staff that spend practically all their time attending conferences and events and networking: Conferences have a clear and easily definable return on investment. But as a Freelance Mom bootstrapping your way to… [Read More]
Overcoming Mental Blocks: How To Free Up 20 Hours a Week
As moms, it’s easy to say that we have no time. We take care of the kids. We take care of the house. If we have time, we take care of our own basic needs. And, more often than they… [Read More]
How To Take Care Of Your Business (Administration) While Getting Your Work Done
Let’s make an important line in the sand here. On one side, there is your work: the things clients pay you to do. The “money-makers.” On the other side, you have your business: the administration, marketing, accounting, IT, management, public… [Read More]
Sticky Client Situations Part IV – Your Client is Dissatisfied
What do you do if you sense a client or customer is not happy with your product or service? It’s a situation that has a tendency to spiral out of control in any relationship. In a marriage, you see the… [Read More]
Sticky Client Situations Part II- How to Prevent ‘Scope Creep’
Earlier this year, a freelance writer reached out to me for help with an unfortunate situation. She was working on an important article for a trade magazine, a magazine that isn’t available on the newsstands but is sent directly to… [Read More]
Do You Struggle to Draw the Line? Setting Boundaries with Clients
In the rush to make ends meet as a freelancer or small business owner, it can be easy to bend over backwards for clients. After all, they’re putting food on your table! But when you’re getting phone calls on weekends… [Read More]