Let’s face it – as a small business owner, media relations is challenging and intimidating. We all fantasize about seeing our brand in the glossy pages of a magazine or on the homepage of New York Times, but most of… [Read More]
Quality Versus Quantity: How to Connect with the 10% of Online Users That Matter
SEO gets all the fame in today’s digital world. Why wouldn’t it? It’s what quenches the thirst of the business owners who think with a “quantity over quality” mindset. That’s pretty ironic, considering that only 10% of website visitors are… [Read More]
Can I Make Money Using My Social Media Expertise?
Do you hang out on Pinterest until 1:00 a.m.? Do you have Facebook minimized on your computer at work just to check in on friends? Or businesses you like? Do you love creating pages, blogs, and pin boards online? Do… [Read More]
21 Ways to Market Your Online Business Using Social Media
So much social media; so little time. If you have an online business it can be easy to slip into the habit of responding to your friends’ posts on Facebook or “liking” the fact that Gina is drinking cocktails by… [Read More]
Mother’s Day Special Offer
A Mother’s Day Special – A Mom Biz Retreat As moms and entrepreneurs, we run across all types of products and services that may help us with our business and personal life. We also run across many events and… [Read More]
Profit + Interest = Pinterest – 10 Tips for the Mompreneurial Pinner
I have no doubts that you’ve heard of Pinterest by now. I’ll also bet my son’s next tooth (and those are long and hard to come by) that you’re a Pin-holic yourself, or… [Read More]
3 Thoughts on Etiquette and Twitter
Engage. Social Media is no place for snobs! There is a reason that Social Media mentions the word social. It’s about sharing, networking, and appreciating others. All those things we learned about in grade school. How to play nice. It… [Read More]