Kick your own butt!

If you’re one of those freelancers sitting comfy on the cushion of plenty of clients… you might be familiar with the reality of procrastination. The easy and sure route to LOSING those clients. It might be burn out for those… [Read More]

7 Tips on Balancing Work and Kids

The biggest challenge we face working from home is keeping our work and personal life in balance. Here are some tips that might help some work at home Moms get through the day!

New book questions women’s decision to stay home with their children

There are some ruffled feathers in the Stay-at-Home-Mom world due to a recent book written by Leslie Bennets, luring women to question the decision of raising their children over pursuing a career. She raises some good points in this post – but I take umbrage with the disrespectful tone. Don’t know about you other WAHM’s — but I pay MY mortgage!

Tips for advertising your home business successfully

This morning a potential advertising customer contacted me and asked how many clicks she would receive on her ad if she placed one. That’s a good question, but it isn’t one that webmasters can answer.

Freelancers – here are some tips for bidding on jobs

The best freelance job board I have found is elance. It’s where I found my first clients, and many great ongoing clients. If I ever need to increase my client load it’s one of the first places that I look.

Moms — Take a Deep Breath!

Work at Home Moms are juggling far more then the average woman. We’re taking care of our children full time and many of us are working longer hours then the average ‘full time’ job. We’re running our households and trying to give enough nurturance to our spouses and to ourselves. Wow – that’s a lot to juggle!

What do you really want for your children?

I was tremendously moved this morning by a post over at The Thinking Mother. Christine took the time to come up with an amazing list of hopes and dreams she has for her children. Some of my favorites… Able to… [Read More]