Hello Moms!
Sorry for the late newsletter this month! It's been so busy - so I decided to focus on balance for this mont's news :)
I was reading a press release just now about a book called Perfect Madness: Motherhood in the Age of Anxiety. The book looks poignant and addresses some very applicable issues that I know many of us share.
Work at Home Mom's are juggling far more then the average women. We're taking care of our children full time and many of us are working longer hours then the average 'full time' job. We're running our households and trying to give enough nurturance to our spouses and to ourselves. Wow - that's a lot to juggle!
Thanks to our Mothers and Grandmothers, we all grew up understanding that women have unlimited choices and potential to achieve anything that we desire out of life. And yet, as mothers, we have certain choices that can absolutely drive us insane. Should we pursue a career, or should we stay at home. If we stay at home, what message does that give to our daughters about their own potential? If we go to work, what value does that place on Motherhood?
If we work at home, how do we strike a balance between sucess in our business, and balance in our home?
We aren't superwomwn, and then again - we really are!
Ultimately, what makes a good mother is a safe place for a child to turn to, where they always know they are loved. Ultimately, what makes a great wife is a women who despite differences of opinions, trusts and believes in her husband. And to be a good business woman? You simply have to believe in YOURSELF!
Balance in life is crucial, and so is growth. But growth doesn't always have to do with your financial goals. Growth today can be sitting for an hour with your four-year-old and really paying attention to what they have to say. Or growth can be getting a babysitter for an afternoon, and doing something completely creative by yourself!
Here's to not losing sight of our true selves in our quest for perfection and success. And don't forget that success is ultimately measured by the feeling in your heart!

P.S. Can you relate? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Feel welcome to email me.
I thought the newsletter would be a good place to advertise a couple of positions I need to fill for a client of mine.
Part-time Customer Support Representative
Requirements: Comfortable making some phone calls, tech savvy and can quickly learn online software and be able to provide support to our customers. We are looking for someone who can start off slowly, maybe just a couple of hours a week but who ultimately wants to grow into the position and add hours.
Google/Overture campaign manager and SEO
Requirements: Experience and understanding with monitoring Google and Overture campaigns. Understanding of Search Engine Optimization
If you have experience in the sales field and also have experience copywriting - I have a client looking for an estimate on getting a page on his website rewritten.
If interested in either position please email [email protected] with your skills, experience and rate.
For more Freelance Jobs visit FreelanceMom's Gig Page |

Staying Sane Survival Tips for Small Business Owners
By Mike Chen
Your lunchtime thoughts are comprised of brilliant marketing strategies and anxiety over bill payments. You're the CEO, human resources director, janitor, and administrative assistant all wrapped up into one. You open the doors at dawn and lockup when it's time to wrap up for the day.
Welcome to the world of small business ownership. Lovely, isn't it?Of course, the rewards of small business ownership are quite high.
Your focus determines your reality and your success, you never have to answer to an angry boss, and (for most owners) you get to work in an industry of your choice. There's an obvious trade-off with the long hours, multiple responsibilities, and occasional panic attacks of "how am I going to get this done?"
Not to worry. You're not alone. In fact, almost all small business owners face the same issues you do. And many have survived and lived on to tell the tale (in small business seminars, in fact!), so don't get discouraged. Here are several easy tips to get your business head out of the clouds.
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Superwoman Has Left the Building!
By Alana Morales
I recently had a major meltdown. Not quite a land you in the hospital meltdown, but more like permanent PMS, entire family needs to walk on eggshells or I'm leaving meltdown.
I am trying to do too much, but I don't really have a choice. I work for a company from home, which I enjoy, plus I have my business, which I also enjoy, plus I get to be home with my kids (which I almost always enjoy). How many working women would jump at a chance to be able to work from home, make a decent salary, have health benefits and not have to pay for child care?
Unfortunately, with my meltdown, I have come to realize that I do need to have a little childcare help. I have learned that it is not necessarily a good thing to feed your kids microwave chicken three nights in a row or go running back to your office the second your husband sets foot in the driveway. It's not good when your son asks, in a very loud voice in a crowded store "Mom, what's that for?" when you are holding a mop. It's not good to have to switch from your daily work time Pepsi to a daily and nightly Red Bull. (You know how they say it gives you wings? It's actually the buzzing sound you hear from all that caffeine flowing through your veins. Trust me. I know.)
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Promoting With Cards
By Matthew Samp
New Internet tool provides an automatic system to help develop personal relationships and create more business.
How many times have you been struck with the guilt feeling that hits you when you instantly realize that you forgot to send a thank you note? How many times have you wish you would have send a “thinking of you” note to someone who you know needed your support and encouragement, but you never sent? How many birthdays and anniversaries have you forgotten? And how many times have you wish that you would do a better job staying in cultivating your business contacts?
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