Freelancing Articles
Finding Freelance Jobs
99.6% of 'GET RICH' Programs are SCAMS. Do you know the Signs?If you're looking to make a legitimate income online, then you have to read this
because there really are ways to make money on the world wide web. The problem
is sorting out the scams from the genuine money-making opportunities. We've
spent 18 months picking apart a hundred work at home programs and recording data
and numbers. What we discovered was appalling!
Avoid Scams While Working At Home
There is a lot of work advertised on the internet, especially for home opportunities. It’s become almost impossible to separate the real from the fake. We’ve heard about all the get rich quick schemes that are waiting for gullible takers, but can we really safeguard ourselves from this menace?
Deceiving and being Deceived
I have been online for eight years and I have seen it all! I have zero tolerance
for a scam artist.
Direct-Marketing Design
5 Steps to a Great New Career Opportunity
When was the last time your job truly inspired you? The last time you were consistently stimulated, were as busy as you wanted to be, had comfortable working conditions … all while earning a handsome income and having the time to enjoy it? Did you ever have such an experience? Can you even imagine it?
Finding Your Home Business Niche
When some folks begin to think about a business of their own,
they know in that very moment what kind they are going to start.
Then, there are the rest of us...
Five Great Telecommuting Jobs 
As you explore the landscape of great telecommuting jobs, you may be pleasantly surprised at the sheer depth and variety of job opportunities actually available. It’s true that a growing number of employers are seeing both the short and long-term value in hiring telecommuting and remote workers. If you’re starting from scratch, this gives you many choices as a job seeker, and you may wonder “what are the best telecommuting jobs?” Here is a review of five top choices in telecommuting work today, in terms of growth and opportunities.
How to find a Telecommute job
The answer may be easier than you think, but there's a catch.The truth is that you find a telecommute job just like you find any other job- with research, persistence and a bit of job search savvy.
Joining VA Organizations Has Many Benefits
Recently, while providing an up-and-coming Virtual Assistant (VA) with some
startup information, she asked me a very interesting question, "Why do you and other VA's join organizations?"
Making “First Contact” with a Client
The day has arrived! You’ve started your business and you’re about to discuss a project (or order) with your first client.
So…what do you say?
One of The Ways To Make Money Online - Freelancing
Freelance entrepreneurship can be one of the most rewarding
approaches to working for yourself. It can also be the most
scary, with no "job security" and depends totally on your
reputation, repeat business and client testimonials. If you
have the necessary risk-taking temperament, going it alone
can be your path to stardom. If you loathe risk, partner
with others so you can spread the risk or seek out a
broker/manager who'll supply you with steady work, at a
reduced return for you.
Realistic Opportunities For Busy Moms 
Raising a family is demanding, and today’s economy is only making it harder. Because of this, we’ve compiled a few practical tips that Work At Home Moms can use to generate an income in their spare time. These easy and effective ideas might not make you rich, but they can help with managing your bills or building your savings. A little extra cash is always nice!
Techniques for Finding Telecommuting Employment
It seems everyone wants to do it: Work from home, that is. Whether it's being
able to work in their pajamas, or getting to spend some extra time with their
children, something is prompting people to consider giving up their day job to
look for this "alternative" form of employment. The only problem seems to be actually finding a work-from-home job! Where are these companies that have openings for telecommuters? In the paragraphs that follow, you will learn how to research and find home-based employment.
The Beginner's Guide To Freelance Writing
Okay. So you’ve figured out that you would like to write for magazines, newspapers, and e-zines. Unfortunately, so have about eight gazillion other people on this planet. Therefore, you have to stand out from the crowd. You have to sparkle. How do you do this? Simple. It all starts with “The Big Idea.” The first secret you must learn in this funny business is that you don’t actually have to write the whole article to get a job. In fact, only bright green novices attempt to write the whole thing before selling it. What you do need, however, is the IDEA for the great story. You will use this great idea to convince editors to pay you exorbitant amounts of money via a proposal letter (called a “query letter.” But you’ll learn about that in a minute).
The Global Work Marketplace - The revolution of how work gets done
Will cubicles be a distant memory for today’s workforce? Will the expense of office space and the tremendous burden of employee benefits be a thing of the past for modern day businesses?
The Seven Signs of a Scam
It's a shame that there are so many people out there trying to rip off the
work-at-home job seeker. It's even more disheartening to see them targeting the
stay-at-home mom, the retiree, and the disabled. But the fact remains; they're
out there trying to capitalize on your desire to stay home and earn an income.
And they're making good money while they're at it, because there's no shortage
of people who want so badly to believe their claims of easy income and instant
Tips on Winning a Virtual Assistant Position AND Keeping It
Although still considered an uncommon profession, the Virtual Assistant role is
fast becoming the best recognized choice for companies, particularly web-based
companies, to pursue nowadays.
Using Freelance Websites to Find Telecommute Jobs
How is your job hunting going? Have you had problems finding legitimate jobs? I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about using freelance websites to obtain work at home, but this should be something you look into. It might not be for you, but you never know until you try.
What To Do When You Don't Have References Or Testimonials
Becoming a freelancer or starting a new business can be tough especially when you have no references or testimonials. Bernadette Doyle shares some creative ideas for overcoming this stumbling block on the way to your success.