I am absolutely thrilled with the interest and positive
feedback I have received during the first month of our launching.
It seems that women really do yearn for an online community to
share with - and FreelanceMom can comfortably fulfill that
One of the
first obstacles women face when determining if working from home
is a feasible option is - Can I afford it? Here is a terrific
resource I found recently, a calculator that allows you to truthfully
consider all of the job related expenses you may have - and
discover what you actually are earning. I am willing to bet most
women who work outside of the home will be astounded to see what
their true net earning is. Naturally we have to wonder after
seeing this if it is worth leaving our children five days a
We are
offering an excellent article
by Sharon Davis on our site exploring this concept. Check it out!
Another fresh
article this month, is by one of our Forum Moderators, Debbi
Cunnington called Promote
Yourself. I think you will find it inspiring.
thrilled to have our first submission to the 'Your Success' page by Database Guru,
Phyllis Emigh. Hers is an excellent example of how recognizing
what you LOVE to do can open up the necessary doorways into a
successful career.
Some of our
Moms have been enjoying some lively conversation over at the forums. I know
people can feel shy, please don't! We are a friendly group, I
promise. It doesn't matter if you have a successful established
home-based career or are just pondering the possibility. We are
all there to support and share with one another... and to pass
some time over a cup of virtual tea!
Some of the
hot topics being discussed are:
Where to start looking for work as a Virtual
Assistant, How to
avoid falling for the multitude of work-at-home scams. And
we're hoping for some terrific insight into Time
Management! I personally could use your advice on better
organizing my work time and balancing it with home life... I'm
sure I'm not alone :-)
There are a
lot of development plans for FreelanceMom in the making including
a job board and online auction where Moms can support Moms in
financially tangible ways. Please always feel welcome to send your ideas and
comments. Our community will be shaped by the aspirations and
requests of its members. Thanks for joining us!