Hello Moms!
Like so many of us, it has been difficult for me to focus on business lately in light of the tragic hurricane. The stories that have been emerging in the media are just heart wrenching. It's times like this that I really wish I was rich and could do more!
After making my meager donation to the Red Cross, I assured myself that hundreds of thousands of other people will do the same and the money will be there to help the survivors heal and move forward.
But I just can't seem to shake the feeling that I'm not doing enough. Especially knowing that it isn't just immediate relief that is needed but ongoing support.
I realize there isn't much more I can contribute but I do have one thing of value and that is advertising space.
I've decided to place a banner rotation on the top of the FreelanceMom forum that is specifically dedicated to the hurricane victims. I'm not collecting donations, but rather encourage you to send me a copy of any receipt you get when you donate yourself along with a banner ad and your link url. I will add your banner to the rotation and will keep the rotation active for the next few months.
It doesn't matter how much you donate. Just that you've given.
If you need ideas on a decent organization to donate to you can visit Give.org.

This was recently posted on the FreelanceMom Forum. I wanted to pass it on to you... If you decide to apply, tell them that Lori at FreelanceMom.com sent you :)
"Initially this job involves customer support and reviewing/approving websites, but it may grow to encompass other tasks as well. You never know what you'll be working on next in an internet startup. Flexibility and being open to new projects is important."
Click to read more about this home based customer support position.

SEO 101 – Basic Optimization Techniques
By Jim Hedger
It is hard to believe the all too short northern summer is almost over. In less than two weeks, kids will be going back to school and commercial webmasters will be gearing up for the autumn and winter salës seasons. This is as good a time as any, perhaps better than most, to cover SEO 101, the basic techniques that förm the foundation to an advanced SEO or SEM campaign.
For the purposes of brevity this piece starts with a few assumptions. The first assumption is a single, small business site is being worked on. The second assumption is that the site in question is written using a fairly standard mark-up language such as HTML or PHP. The last assumption is that some förm of keyword research and determination has already taken place and the webmaster is confident in the selection of keyword targets.
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Tips for bidding on projects at elance...
1. Before bidding, research the client. See what other jobs they have
posted in the past. Get a feel for which providers they choose. They
may only choose lowballers. If that is the case, you might not want to
bid. Or, you might want to lowball simply to get your first gig and get
2. Check what the client has left for feedback. If they have given low feedback, check out the provider they gave it to. If that provider has great feedback in general - you might want to think twice about working with this buyer.
3. Make sure your bid is original. Don't copy paste the same text into different bids. That means, REALLY read the project description and address it in your bid. The more familiar you seem with their project, the more your bid will stand out from the rest.
4. If they have a website, visit it and try to casually comment on it if it seems applicable.
5. The tone of your bid should be somewhere between friendly and professional. You don't want to be too casual, but you don't want to be too uptight.
6. Don't sound desperate :) Do sound confident.
7. Keep sentences brief.
Link Popularity
By Jill Whalen
For years, "link popularity" and "Google PageRank" have been the talk of the town in the search engine optimization community. However, the definition of link popularity and how it differs from PageRank (PR), as well as how much effect these actually have on search engine rankings, is often misunderstood.
What is Link Popularity?
The theory goes something like this: The search engine Powers That Be have decided that if other sites are linking to your site, it must be a winner; therefore, it deserves a boost in rankings (when all else is equal). If you think about it, this makes a lot of sense. People link to good sites, not bad ones.
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