Freelancing Articles
Your Website
Tips For a Better Website
Having an eye catching website is great, but are you optimizing your website to
allow the best performance possible? I receive several emails a day from clients
asking how they can get more hits to their websites, what can be done to
increase sales, and how to prepare their sites for search engines. There are
very simple things that can be done to help your website perform its best.
8 ways to build a really bad web site for Search Engines
Some web sites receive hundreds or thousands of unique visitors a day, whilst others only get a handful or none. The reason is often because the web designers or Webmaster has built the site in one ‘really bad way’ or other. This can end up hindering the potential success of the web site. If you want to make sure your site is not a ‘traffic flop’ then here are some simple rules to follow.
Before Your Web Site Makeover Goes Live: A Checklist
The web designer shows you her final version of your long-in-the-making revamped site. You click around and can hardly believe how gorgeous and rich it is.
10 Killer Blog Post Ideas 
Are you running out of ideas for your next blog post? Here
are 10+ killer blog post ideas that will sure entertain your
readers and keep them coming back to your blog.
Creating a Website Winner
Like many people, you may have been dreaming of the day when you can start your very own online business. You've got a great idea waiting to explode, and you know that it's going to be a winner. The vision is there, as are the enthusiasm and skills. Now there's just one more thing you need before you can make that dream a reality, and that's a website-your public face to the world.
E-commerce, A No Nonsense Perspective For New Business
Whilst failure is one of the best ways we can learn, learning from others’ experience is far less painful - and that’s essentially the point of this guide! Learning from others makes achieving your own goal quicker and easier, plus lets face it, making unnecessary mistakes is just plain dumb!
Hire a Web Developer or Do it yourself?
Should you create and design your business Web site yourself or should you hire somebody to do it for you?
Make Money Blogging with WordPress: 7 Essentials
There are countless ways to use the excellent free blogging
platform WordPress to make money online.
Seven Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Web Host for Your Blog 
Free web hosting may seem like a great solution to your blogging needs, but the truth is this: it really is not for everyone. Although there may be a few advantages to using a cheap web host, there are plenty of drawbacks as well. Before you place your business in the hands of a web hosting company, make sure you know what you’re getting into. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid.
Small Business Owners: Are You Making These 3 Deadly Website Copywriting Mistakes?
It's a common question. "What copywriting mistakes should I avoid?" There are many, but the 3 I chose might surprise you. Why? Because while these can potentially cause the greatest amount of damage they are not ones most copywriters talk about.
Virtual Assistant - Are You Making These Marketing Mistakes With Your Website
If you're a virtual assistant who has a website to help sell your business services, then that's what you should be pitching on your website: Your VA business services. Yet the websites of many virtual assistants do so much more than just pitch their VA services. And that's a mistake. Virtual assistants who try to do everything, be everything and sell everything with their website will chase prospective clients away. In fact, you may not just be chasing prospective clients away but you also may be leading them away. To make your website more effective you need to know exactly why you have it.
Why Your Blog is Rubbish 
Aren't blogs great? Your opportunity to inject a little
personality, a little zest, zing and zap to your website.
That's not to say that your site in itself isn't engaging
and informative, worth a visit in its own right, but blogs
just add that splash of colour, a loose collar, a 'hey have
you heard'? - intimacy that people enjoy.
Your Business Website Strategy: What’s the Bottom Line?
As well over 90% of people now turn to the Internet as their primary information source, it’s crucial to your bottom line to ensure that your Web presence is as effective as possible.