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Your website for your Virtual Assistant business is the best place to show a perspective client your skills. Make the website professional and effective.

What's Missing From Your Virtual Assistant Business Website That's Costing You Clients
By Karen Fritscher-Porter

If you're a virtual assistant with a business website promoting your VA business and your website is not contributing to increasing your client list, take action. There are a lot of reasons your website might not be delivering prospective clients to your virtual assistant business. One reason could be your web page headline (and I don't mean your tagline, logo or company name). For instance, your website home page may not have a headline. Or it may not be a good one.

Put a headline near the top of your web page that stands out and gets read first. Put a BENEFIT to your reader in that headline. I'm a prospect. I've heard of virtual assistants. I'm not sure what they can do for me. I think they can help me grow my business or take some of my work-related tasks off of my hands. I come to your website (this article isn't touching on how I found your website---just assume I did find it). The FIRST THING I want to see at your website is a big headline that says something like...

"I Can Give You Back Your Time to Strategically Grow Your Business. Let Me Take Over These Three Admin Tasks for You"

"Database Entry. Answering Routine Customer Emails. Bill Paying... Boooooring!!!! I Know Someone Who Will Do Those Mundane Tasks For You."

"Can I Help You Double Your Business for the Price You Pay For Lunch Daily"

"Discover How to Spend More Time With Your Family. Hire a Virtual Assistant to Show You The Way."

"Grow Your Business Quicker. Increase Revenues Faster. Outsource Your Administrative Tasks To Me."

And those are just a few impromptu examples I devised to illustrate the point in this article. I am not a professional copywriter. You can consult other sources for copywriting tips that tell you how to write a "great" headline. I'm just telling you to have a headline on your virtual assistant business website. It's good marketing!

Make your headline solve my problems. Tell me what you can do for me. Tell me that before you tell me who you are. I don't care who you are at first. I don't care about the technical definition of a virtual assistant. My immediate thought is what can you do for me. Blast that out at me in a big headline on your virtual assistant business sales page (your website) and I promise I'll stick around to read your subheadline. Shout something useful to me in your subheadline and I promise I'll go on to read the first paragraph of copy that appears next on your website. Keep hooking me with benefits and I'll go on to read about your specific virtual assistant services, rates and experience. And THEN I'll contact you for a more specific quote and interview.

Don't do that and I'm gone within seconds of opening your website.

Make your headlines specific and relevant. Be creative. Make them clear. Make them visible. Make them client centered.

Your website IS a marketing tool for your virtual assistant business. Use it. And use it wisely.

To advertise your virtual assistant business in the one-stop shopping directory for small businesses and home-based businesses globally seeking their next virtual assistant, go to The special advertising rates posted there are for a limited time. You also can subscribe to the free marketing tips toolkit series virtual assistant newsletter.


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