Small Business Finance Articles
Financial tips and advice for Freelance Professionals and Small Business Owners.
Common Question: Is this business viable?
Starting any small business is, for lack of a better term, a challenge. You
can't just jump into it without plenty of thought and research. Running your
business is a never-ending roller coaster of good days and bad; ups and downs;
rewards and failures; all from which we learn.
Credit Score/FICO Report - 5 Steps To Improvement
Freelance Your credit score/FICO report can determine your eligibility for loans, what interest rate you pay for loans, and even
whether you get a job to which you are applying. With every
incentive to improve your score and nothing to lose, it should
be a priority step in getting your financial life on track.
Cutting Costs Can Significantly Increase Your Income
As a work at home Mother, I know the value of a deal. Any smart business person
knows that the best way to make money is to SAVE money.
Getting Out of Debt
Getting into debt is just too easy and this could not be more evident then it is right now considering the debt we are in. I read in a financial article that the average American has $8,000 worth of credit card debt.
How to Find a Life Insurance Broker
This is an especially critical question for consumers to ask at this time. This
is because the life insurance industry has undergone a tremendous change in how
insurance companies distribute their products. According to a recent LIMRA
study, over fifty percent of all life insurance products are sold by independent
brokers. Ten years ago, agents from captive companies accounted for the majority
of the sales.
How Much Do You Really Need to Make as a WAHM?
Many of you have been thinking about staying home with the kids, but aren’t sure they can afford to do so. Living expenses are so high these days, it is almost impossible to make meats end on one income. The idea of coming up with an income close to what you are making in your corporate job seems impossible. But do you really have to recreate your current salary to bring you home?
How to Obtain Financing to Start a Home-Based Business
How to Obtain Financing to Start a Home-Based Business
Home based businesses are often inexpensive to begin, some
starting at just a couple hundred dollars. Some
businesses, however, that can pay more substantial
commissions of $1000 and more per sale can cost several
thousand dollars to get started.
How To Set Your "Right" Price
How do you set the right price for your products and services?
The "right" price is the price you are happy with and the price which clients are willing to pay.
Saving on Utility Bills
Some of our bills can be eliminated as being “extras”, but utilities is just not one of these. If you are noticing an increase in your utility bills it is time to review what you may/may not be doing to cause this increase. Here are some helpful tips for ways to decrease your utility bills.
What To Do About Late Payers 
Let Bernadette Doyle, founder of Client Magnets, teach you a shortcut to avoiding or getting rid of problem clients by simply changing the terms of how you do business.