Here are some common scams you may encounter when you are searching for work you can do from home. |
Avoid Scams While Working At Home
There is a lot of work advertised on the internet, especially for home opportunities. It’s become almost impossible to separate the real from the fake. We’ve heard about all the get rich quick schemes that are waiting for gullible takers, but can we really safeguard ourselves from this menace?
According to analysts, bogus companies offering work at home scams have more than doubled recently. What does this tell you? That for every real job offer, there will be a hundred that are not what they seem. Generally, bogus sites and e-mails have some telltale signs. If you have any reason to doubt authenticity, take it up and triple check. You can never be too safe with experienced scammers.
You will notice that pop up ads and chirpy notices that scream ‘Work at home! Earn money fast!” are usually not to be trusted. Nobody is generous enough to offer more than what is reasonable for work at home opportunities. So don’t be fooled. This is not to say that the moderate, unobtrusive ads calling for suitable candidates are all real either. Check the contact details of the management and see how they respond to your queries. Do they send vague replies to you? Do you get irrelevant information from them? There is more than one way of validating correspondence.
Some of the most common work at home scams are given below:
1) Craft work
You are made to appear as a sort of go-between where you link the supplier of the raw material and the buyer. The usual scheme is that candidates pay upfront for the necessary ‘tools’ and ‘materials’. You will be assembling items and posting them to an agreed address. Sadly, your items will get returned (turns out that the address doesn’t exist) and you will not be paid. As you will have no way of contacting the scammers, the initial payment is gone for good.
2) Envelope stuffing
The proposed method of earning here is stuffing envelopes at home for a nominal fee. You will be expected to place that envelope stuffing ad in papers and magazines and not get anything in return.
3) Computer Work
It’s very easy to get scammed through the internet, because there are many ways to hide. You may receive something for your payment (at best a sorry guide to working at home) but your efforts are really wasted.
4) Pyramid Schemes
These were very popular for some time until they were found out. But it’s still hard to resist falling into this sort of trap. We are made to believe that we will earn by selling products or services or a company-in other words, act as marketers. Not only will we be paying for the products or services we buy, we are expected to recruit others to do the same. And this is where it can become a tangled mess, where you end hurting other people, ones who trusted your judgment. Ouch. The truth is, only the people at the top of the pyramid (the first few who got caught) will actually make any money. Everyone else just perpetuates the crime.
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