Freelancing Articles
Legitimate Freelance Careers
7 Unusal Online Business Ideas
So you want to start an online business. You have surfed the
web, read some blogs and have found that lots of people are
making some decent mullah. But you are frustrated due to the
lack of any new idea. Don't worry. There are still many ideas
that you can implement using a little money, lots of efforts,
and some persistency.
Assisting You Virtually- How Virtual
Assistants are changing the face of the workplace
Virtual Assistants, or VA's are changing the way we do business. Not only is
this field growing tremendously, but it's offering employers and business owners
alike an attractive new alternative to hiring employees.
Don't Confuse A Work-at-Home Scam With Hard Work
I received an email from an acquaintance this last week. They wanted me to check
out a particular company to see if it was a scam or not. So I clicked on over
and saw the site, looked at their ad. It looked to me like it was a legitimate
opportunity. You didn't have to pay anything to start the business you didn't
have to buy anything to get started either.
Basically anyone starting the business would just need to put in some work to make money at this business.
Ezine Publishing As A Business
If you have your own website, or are planning to create
one soon, in the course of your research you will have
read about the importance of publishing an ezine
(electronic newsletter) as a way of generating traffic to
your site.
Home Based Business Opportunities
Your Best Opportunity For Home-Based Business Success Might Be Right Before Your
How To Start a Daycare Service 
Child care providers play an important role in the lives of
busy parents who need a reliable and honest person to care
for their children while they are working or away. If you
can demonstrate your ability to properly care for children,
you'll find it very easy to build your client base with
little advertising involved.
Independent Marketer vs. Independent Employee
In starting your own business, you probably want to make the decisions on how you run your business. You want freedom, an ability to utilize your creative ideas, and exercise your leadership. Companies have to limit what is said about their compensation plan and the products for obvious legal reasons but everything else should be up to you.
So you want to be a Virtual Assistant?
More and more women today are opting to stay at home to nurture their children. But this is nearly always a financially stressful decision for a family to make. Our economic situation often times demands two incomes - and even so, many couples continue to find themselves sinking further and further into financial debt.
The Joys Of Freelance Home Writing
Freelance writing can be one of the most profitable and enjoyable ways to earn a living from the comfort of your home. With thousands of business owners and online sites calling for content, there is a great need for independent contract writers who have the skill and time to create relevant copy. Whether you are a parent who desires to stay home with children or someone who simply wants the freedom the work from home profession provides, the benefits of freelance writing from home are abundant.
The Virtual Assistant
As a small business owner, outsourcing work to Virtual Assistants is fast
becoming a popular and intelligent decision. The business owner saves enormous
amounts of money by cutting the costs of offices and equipment overhead as well
as expensive benefits packages.
What is a Professional Organizer?
Professional organizing is a relatively new line of work but the call for help
is loud and clear! I know that when I started organizing, people would ask me
what I do. I said, "I help people get organized!" What was the first thing I heard? "I need you!" In fact, within the first week of open enrollment for my online class, "Learn to Be Clutter-Free", in 2002, 22 people enrolled in the course!
Work As A Consultant From Home 
Working as a consultant from home is a great home based
business opportunity, but it does require some knowledge or
skill. There are a lot of individuals and bussiness that will
pay dearly for the expertise or knowledge that you have and that
they need. This is a lot like freelancing, and it basically
works the same way. You find business, or clients, that are
looking for skills that you have. This is in software or
operating systems mostly, but there are times when consultants
are used in fields other than computers and technology.
Work At Home Jobs With Minimal Startup Costs For
Stay At Home Moms
The hunt for work at home jobs is a never ending one. For those
Moms who are very keen on working at home there are several
popular work at home jobs that can be started with minimal
What You Should Know Before Joining Any Internet
Home Business Model
There are many aspects of starting and owning your own home
business. Today, we will only be covering the tip of the iceberg, so to speak! This is just a short article to help prepare you for some things you may encounter as you continue on your journey to start an internet business.
Write a children's book- What to do first! 
To write a children's book and make any money from it can
sound quite scary at first, but if you write, then a good
idea may just be to have a go and write books for children.
This is a really good niche for some very successful
people. There are some really good resources online to help
you get started, but it may be a really good idea to learn
from people who have been doing this for awhile and have
gained first- hand knowledge about the ins and outs of this