If you advertise, you know how valuable traffic is to your site. Imagine getting much more traffic then you've ever seen to your website... for free!
Simple Tips for Getting Search Engine Traffic to your Website
By Lori Redfield
Many home business opportunity sites miss the search engine marketing boat completely.
If you advertise, you know how valuable traffic is to your site. Imagine getting much more traffic then you've ever seen to your website... for free!
If you have a downline, you owe it to the individuals under you to buckle down and learn how to understand search engine optimization. The number one reason that I see women failing at home business opportunities is because they just use the cookie cutter website template their biz op gives them and their main source of traffic is through advertisements.
It costs money to advertise. Even affordable advertising ads up. If you aren't seeing a return on investment it can really get discouraging.
If you want to be a leader in your line of business, tackle search engine optimization (SEO) and then pass that information on to your downline. If you aren't able to make modifications to the website your business opportunity gives you, then build your own website!
Here are some basic tips to get you started:
1. At the top of your website pages there is what is known as a 'Title Tag' It looks like this: <TITLE></TITLE>. This tag is on every individual page of your website and it is a CRITICAL element of SEO.
When each page on your website you need to determine what keywords truly represent the page. Then you need to add those words to the Title Tag. So for the article on this page I have chosen 'Search Engine Optimization Tips for Beginners'. My Title Tag looks like this: <TITLE>Search Enginge Optimization Tips for Beginners </TITLE>.
Make a unique tag for each page. This one little tip alone will help you enormously!
2. Use descriptive keywords in your links. If you have links on your website, don't just say, 'Click Here'. No, no, no! Again, think about the best keywords to describe the page that you are going to link to. If I was going to link to my blog for example -- I would have the link look something like this: SEO Blog for Beginners. If I was going to link to this article, the link might look like this: Simple SEO Tips.
3. Provide unique content. You don't want your website to say the exact same thing that all the other sites say. If all the sites promoting your biz op contain the same text, then how can any of you rank well? You've got to write your own compelling text, with your own well researched keywords. Intersperse your keywords within the text where it makes sense to do so. Make sure that your copy sounds good and not awkward.
4. Get relevant incoming links. Find all sorts of creative ways to get links from other websites. Make sure that the majority of those sites have complementary content as yours. If you sell Tupperware, it doesn't mean that you must have links from all your competitors Tupperware sites. That's not realistic. But you could get links to you from Home Business Directories, from kitchen related sites, form Home Party sites, work at home sites...
5. Make certain you have clean code. You don't want to have a ton of flash or javascript code in the way when search engines 'spider' your website. You want your text and links on your pages to be easily accessible to the search engines.
These tips should give you a starting point to getting started. SEO is an ongoing method of promotion. It's fun and rewarding to watch your organic search engine traffic grow. The traffic you receive from search engines is likely warm leads because the visitors are already searching on your keywords.
For more information, or to share in your SEO journey, join us over in the Website Promotion and Optimization Forum.
Lori Redfield is the founder of FreelanceMom and really loves the challenge of SEO! Check out her SEO Blog for Beginners for more fun tips.
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